1111找工作 APP


工作項目:專以各項氣體管路,化學工程,自動焊接,氬焊等工作項目 氣體配管工程 工作地點-新竹台積電無塵室,需穿著無塵服 公司地址-苗栗縣公館鄉石墻村5鄰121號 每日由公司乘坐交通車上下班,居住苗栗縣市者尤佳

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.安排工程進度,掌握施工狀況 2.負責工程事務規劃 3.討論施工建材,並預估工程成本 4.監控工程規劃與執行,是否遵守安全法規 5.進場材料盤點 6.驗收工程與結算 7.刻苦耐勞普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


應徵人數|1-5 人


1.無塵室內外加熱帶安裝& 2.誠徵師傅、領班、學徒數名 3.享勞保、健保、團保、三節禮金 4.每日工作八小時,加班費另計,每月工作22天以上 5.有經驗者佳,日薪待優可面談 6.無經驗者可,日薪1800起 7.可配合外出,有提供住宿 8.扶梯人員,傳遞物料人員,備料員。 9.需配合外派 **銀行借貸、信用貸款等...其他人力銀行或仲介勿擾**輕型機車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=4262&source=1111 Description: 1. Handle end to end flight management (ticket booking / data maintenance / itinerary change etc.) for assignee and dependents travels (expatriation / repatriation / home leave trip). 2. Be the first point of contact to answer assignee‘s enquiries regarding their flight issue. 3. Manage monthly invoice / travel insurance with travel desk / finance / accounting department. 4. Create / update assignee‘s profile in company system and generate reporting on a regular basis or upon request. 5. Assist in assignee‘s immigration administration (arrange interview schedule / document preparation and collection etc.). Monthly Salary Range: from $32,000 Qualifications: 1. Ability to work under pressure and handle cases in batch. 2. Strong organizational skills and detail oriented. Able to work with complex data independently. 3. Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office and HRIS (PeopleSoft). 4. Relevant University degree or equivalent. 5. Working experiences in HR / Global Mobility is preferred. 6. Fluency in both Chinese and English is required while proficiency in Japanese is a plus.

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作內容】 1. 網路交換器基本操作, 運作日誌查看, 故障排除 2. 資安設備EdgeIPS操作 3. 團隊合作協助機台連網 具備特質: 1. 熟Cisco/HPE網路交換器, 具CCNA佳 2. 良好溝通能力與責任感 工作時間: 08:30~17:30 中午休息1H 工作地點: 台積電-竹科廠區資訊工程學類CCNA輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


PCBA檢驗,有品保經驗者佳。 應徵時請註明下列可配合時段之班別,謝謝。 1.四二輪日班:7:30~19:40 2.日班:8:00~17:00 3.小夜班:16:40~00:40 4.大夜班: 00:20~08:20輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


●工作待遇: 半日幫廚 $24,500元(含部分工時) 全日幫廚 $33,000元 ※半日班每日工時約6.5H~7H,月薪資符合基本工資(8H)之比例,符合勞基法;惟目前1111系統無法正確顯示薪資範圍,特此說明。 ●工作時間: 半日 07:30~14:30 (含午餐休息,每日工時6.5-7小時) 全日 07:30~14:30 /15:00~19:00 ●工作內容: ※幫廚: 1.洗菜、切菜等廚務相關工作。 2.供餐時負責點餐、打菜。 3.結束供餐後,整理清洗菜盆、清潔廚房環境等。 ●員工福利: 員工用餐 尾牙宴會 介紹獎金/三節禮金/生日禮(到職3個月之隔月開始)

應徵人數|1-5 人


★電洽優先★ ★有經驗者佳(月薪領制度)★ 1.需要有吊掛技術士證照(如過期需回訓)。 2.協助吊卡車物料裝卸作業。 3.吊卡車基本查檢、清潔與保養。 4.需配合加班 5.其他主管交辦事宜。 6.待遇部分視工作能力及態度調整使用起重機具從事吊掛作業人員

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=4267&source=1111 1. We‘re in search of a meticulous HR Project Lead with focus in Talent Acquisition. Your role involves meticulously planning, documenting, and administering complex and strategic HR projects, particularly focusing on talent acquisition initiatives. We need someone with strong project management skills and an in-depth understanding of HR processes with excellent communication and influencing skills. 2. Behind the worlds most advanced technology are real people with real passion. At TSMC we believe in the power of inclusive leadership and passion. We demonstrate this in our commitment to our People Vision: create an inclusive environment to inspire passion and enable the best in YOU. Join our Talent Acquisition Division and broaden your horizon by experiencing true cross culture collaboration and shape the future of an industry along the way… we are excited to receive your application. Description: 1. Craft project plans for international HR initiatives 2. Develop and maintain project documentation, ensuring accurate input from various stakeholders. 3. Manage the administrative facets of international HR projects and drive effective communication across various stakeholder groups. 4. Streamline project reporting capabilities to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of information flow and decision making. 5. Effectively communicate updates and deliverables, drive collaboration and transparency with stakeholder groups on different levels. Support overall change management activities. Qualifications: 1. Project Management: track record in successful project planning and execution 2. Documentation Skills: proficiency in creating and maintaining detailed project documentation. 3. HR Knowledge: sound understanding of HR processes. 4. Communication: excellent communication skills, able to facilitate seamless project updates to various stakeholders 5. Organization: exceptional organizational skills to manage project timelines, resources, and priorities 6. Problem-Solving: ability to identify challenges and proactively propose solutions 7. Minimal Bachelor‘s degree in human resources, Business Administration, or a related field. 8. 3+ years of hands-on experience in project management 9. International exposure working across cultures and time zones. 10. Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite 11. Proficient English, German and Mandarin Chinese strong plus. 12. 18 months based in Taiwan/Hsinchu with potential option to relocate globally. Limited travel required.人力資源學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 電信、電力、光纖、網路等纜線佈放 2. EMT管、RSG管配置 3.門禁系統、CCTV系統、車道系統設備安裝 *(竹科台積電廠區)

應徵人數|1-5 人


★電洽優先★ ★有經驗者佳(月薪領制度)★ 1.需要有吊卡車操作技術士證照(如過期需回訓)。 2.操作駕駛吊卡車裝卸作業。 3.吊卡車基本查檢、清潔與保養。 4.需配合加班 5.其他主管交辦事宜。 6.待遇部分視工作能力及態度調整移動式起重機操作-伸臂可伸縮

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作內容】: 1. 工區門禁人員管制車輛物料登記 2. 工區狀況即時回報(使用LINE) 3. 工區車輛管制、引導(非道路上交管) 4. 工區巡邏安全規定執行及簡易清潔維護 【工作時間】:07:00-19:00/07:00-19:00 【相關福利】: 1. 員工保險:勞保、健保、公司額外幫員工加保團體意外險300萬/人。 2. 員工退休金:6%提撥。 3. 節慶禮金:端午節500元、中秋節500元。 4. 其它禮金:生日500元、結婚禮金3,000元、喪葬奠儀1,500元、生育賀禮1,500 元, 住院慰問金1,000元/次。 5. 員工福利委員會:員工依照政府法令提繳福利金 #需會使用LINE軟體現場回報 #薪資帳戶正常 #面試攜帶身份證/私章/中國信託帳戶 #攜帶保全護照佳 #未錄取不另外通知 #能配合公司幹部調班者佳輕型機車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.製程管路焊接裝配、氬焊焊接技術人員。 2. 依圖面規劃管路位置及焊接施作 3. 協助工程進度等相關事宜之配管人員

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.工地安全衛生管理業務之推動與執行 2.規劃、督導有關人員實施巡視、定期檢查、重點檢查、危害通識及作業環境測定 3.執行產業安全衛生與改善計畫 4.新進人員進廠資料收集及辦證事宜職業安全衛生管理乙級技術士,勞工安全衛生管理員輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


**適合國內銷售人員,轉型升級國外銷售人員** **對應客戶為經銷商(B to B),不須跑實驗室** 1. 維護既有客戶: 定期拜訪國內外經銷商客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係並執行市場調查研究。 2. 開發新客戶,並推展業務: 對於既有之熱銷產品與新產品開發國內外經銷商客戶。 3. 擬定行銷計畫與策略: 協助訂定負責區域市場之產品行銷策略。 4. 產品銷售服務: 參與公司新產品研發與設計,並銷售至責任區域。 5. 業務接洽以及訂單管理: 產品報價﹑訂單處理、追蹤款項、追蹤貨件,確保貨物順利出口與送達至經銷商指定處。 6. 客戶服務: 協助調配既有經銷商所需之各項資源,並成為技術部門與經銷商客戶間的聯繫橋梁。 7. 海外參展: 與行銷設計部共同完成市場所需之平面設計,動態影片,並依照各國現況,參與國際展會,執行展攤企畫與市場布局。 #須配合國際差旅 #業績獎金 #**薪資為實際底薪,業績獎金另計**生物化學學類,工程學門,貿易學類輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=4293&source=1111&tags=2024DomesticCampus_1111 Description: 【HR Area Service Specialist】 1. Partner with hiring managers to identify recruiting needs, best-fit candidates through TSMC selection process, prepare employment proposal, influence hiring manager and candidate to close the offer and facilitate the onboarding. 2. Build and maintain strong relationships with candidates, hiring managers and business partners/AST from end to end. 3. Maintain hiring progress and generate reports to monitor KPIs/quality. 【Talent Selection Specialist】 1. Manage the overall recruitment process by partnering with hiring managers and HR business partners to identify recruiting needs, assess best-fit candidates through TSMC‘s selection process, prepare employment proposals, close offers and facilitate the onboarding process. 2. Build and maintain strong relationships with candidates, hiring managers and HR business partners to ensure successful fulfillment of job openings. 3. Monitor recruitment progress/hiring quality and identify potential issues by generating and analyzing reports and KPIs. Qualifications: Personal Attributes 1. Integrity and commitment to results 2. Highly motivated to take initiatives for continuous improvement with great follow-through skills 3. Strong team player to fill gaps whenever necessary 4. Great resilience to cope with challenges, stress, and fast-paced environment Other Requirements 1. Master‘s degree in HR, Psychology or Business Management related fields 2. Strong verbal and written communication skills and good command of English and Mandarin 3. Multitasking abilities to manage complexity and dynamic demands 4. Strong self-learning capabilities to acquire skills in online systems, processes and semiconductor technical knowledge 5. Ability to analyze & visualize data人力資源學類,心理學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


無塵室/科技廠房–工業配電工程之施作(竹科園區) 薪資4萬以上可面議,每月另加伙食津貼電機工程學類,冷凍空調學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=2857&source=1111 Description 1. Support the day-to-day administrative tasks in the department, including filing, data management, appointment scheduling, and etc. 2. Coordinate project management activities, resources, equipment and information 3. Champion TSMC policies and guidelines and ensures department’s administrative processes are aligned with them 4. Manage procurement and legal aspects of external vendor engagement 5. Manage and deploy project-related solutions through HR systems, survey platform, or assessment tools 6. Monthly salary range: from NT 32,100 Qualifications 1. 5+ years of administrative support or project coordination experience 2. Preferably someone with an undergraduate qualification 3. Professional level for Microsoft applications. Good excel skill is an added advantage 4. Professional level for both oral and written Chinese/ English Personal Attributes 1. Have an eye for detail and likes to work systematically 2. Communicate clearly and talk straight 3. Willing to help and care to support others 4. Dependable and takes actions swiftly

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助工地現場相關工作,需配合工地輪調。 2.工程協調與工地管理。 3.工程專案管理規畫與執行。 4.工程進度管控、工程估驗請款計價及工地勞安、監督等業務。 5.工地勞安相關事宜執行。 6.依照品管標準進行工程進度及施工品質的監督。 ––無工作經驗可,可跟公司一起成長,態度佳,肯努力即可。–– ––外派可提供住宿及交通補助–– –– 正式員工基本福利說明: ●三節獎金 ●工作日伙食津貼。 ●員工團保、意外險。 ●月休日數、特休、加班費。 (勞基法規定) ●提供各類相關教育訓練及證照訓練費用。 ●補貼上下班交通油資。 ●補貼手機通話費用。 ●生日禮券發放。 ––土木工程及水利學類,材料工程學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


《機台設備 組裝人員》 無經驗可 📌工作地點:南、中、竹科 (免費供宿,可外出者佳) 📌工作內容:自動化設備組裝、備料、調整 👉歡迎應屆畢業生、二度就業 (享勞健保,團保) ➡️薪資:加班另計(依照勞基法規定) ⏰工作時間:08:30~17:30,週日固定休假、六視工作進度休假 備註:公司提供宿舍及勞健保,午餐公司補貼,如加班超過2小時晚餐公司補貼,正職長期,工作單純,會依表現、配合度調薪 ⛑工作前準備: 一般勞工健檢、六小時教育訓練課程(課程公司會幫你安排)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 生產包裝。 2. 包裝出貨。 3. 行政事務。 4. 產品生產出貨庶務。 5. 包材管理/文書處理。

應徵人數|6-10 人


