1111找工作 APP



1.開發機器人操作介面。 2.軟體測試。 3.熟悉Visual C#。

應徵人數|1-5 人


■ 部門資訊: DeltaGrid部門致力於通訊與軟體整合台達Delta能源領域產品, 如儲能系統, 太陽能逆變器與充電樁等相關產品, 並提供DeltaGrid EM能源管理平台與服務, 以及現場設備通訊整合與智慧控制, 並提供整體解決方案。 ■ 職務說明: 1. Familiar with C/C++ design and coding skills. 2. RF mesh/Zigbee/BLE mesh product development and testing experience. 3. Software debugging skill on MCU and embedded system. 4. Linux software programming on ARM platform is a plus. ■ 必備條件 1. RF 通訊應用程式撰寫與測試,熟悉Protocol與網路行為 2. 開發 RF Stack 或 IoT無線裝置應用程式相關經驗 3. ARM Cortex-M based MCU 軟體開發。 4. 現場測試支援,處理客戶需求。 5. 系統整合測試及技術文件撰寫。電子工程學類,電機工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


職務類別:軟體設計工程師、Internet程式設計師、通訊軟體工程師 學歷要求:學士、碩士學歷畢 科系要求:資工、電機、電子相關系所 語文條件:多益成績400分以上或具相關能力證明者(托福、雅思、全民英檢等) 相關經驗:三年以上後端程式開發經驗。 電腦技能/證照:Python、C#、及ASP.Net,熟悉SQL、GitFlask框架尤佳。 專業技能/證照:軟體程式設計、網路程式設計、資料庫程式設計 出差外派:需出差,一年累積時間未定 工作內容:1.能源管理系統後端開發、佈署和維護 2.資料庫相關程式設計與維護 3.與前端工程師進行相關系統整合設計開發 4.雲端系統架構規劃 5.撰寫系統開發相關文件 服務地點:五股 意者請至台塑企業人才招募網站https://hr.fpg.com.tw登錄履歷,合者約試,不合者恕不通知。電子工程學類,資訊工程學類,電機工程學類TOEIC多益 (Brown220-465分)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. RDK-B軟體平台開發。 2. 網通產品軟體開發。 3. 負責客戶問題或需求之支持與解決。 4. 主管交辦之事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1、設備自動化PLC及人機介面撰寫開發。 2、設備開發專案管理。 3、其他主管交辦事項。電機工程學類,資訊工程學類普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. XPON ONT/RG 之系統軟體開發、整合及維護。 2. Embedded Linux。 3. Protocol 開發(GPON、EPON、L2/L3 Protocols)。電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. PON CPE、WiFi AP產品軟體開發。 2. 團隊建立和管理。 3. 嵌入式Linux開發。電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.專案執行 2.從事相關系統程式開發、管理與維護,及客戶服務與支援 3.確認軟體程式的目的與功能,進行程序開發及測試 4.從事電腦軟體的程式設計、修改、安裝、測試及維護 5.有相關經驗: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery 6.熟悉Python, Django, and Postgres (experiences with other platforms,, such as PHP, JSP, etc., are also welcome)尤佳。

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作內容】 1. HMI operation flow design and implementation 2. Web server implement on embedded system 3. Web page design and implementation 【能力需求】 1. C/C++/C# 程式語言開發能力 2. 網頁前後端開發能力 3.人機介面開發經驗者機械工程學類,電子工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


<Job description> 〝For this (senior) position, you will be responsible for system-level firmware testing of base station communication-related software, verifying functionalities across diverse system platforms, including Radio Conformance Test (RCT) and end-to-end (E2E) testing platforms. You will be in charge of testing the physical layer aspects, which includes understanding various technologies, designing test cases, implementing test automation, executing tests, and analyzing issues. Your role will require continuous thinking on how to contribute to ongoing quality improvement and assurance in the development of new products and technologies, ensuring they meet the quality standards expected by both internal development and external customer demands.〝 Practical experience in the following fields 1. Proficiency in 3GPP RCT testing standards. 2. Familiarity with the use of signal generators and signal analyzers. 3. Experience in developing automated test programs. 4. Ability to plan test strategies, projects, and environment setups. Nice-to-have skills:  Experience in E2E testing platform  Familiar with 5G system registration process and debugging  Familiar with O-RAN Conformance test

應徵人數|1-5 人


工作內容: 1.製作測試治具及撰寫測試程式。 2.評估及驗證工程設計/工廠製程變更。 3.規畫/評估/驗證/追蹤新產品DFt。 4.分析產品試作及量產線問題對策。 5.安裝工程/產線測試設備及Burn in規劃。 6.驗證及確認TS (測試注意事項) TE測試項目。 7.產品驗證並完成測試計畫與測試報告。 8.執行開發技術專案。 9.分析RFQ並規劃新產品的測試方法。〝 工作技能 : 1.電子電路設計;基礎數位電路;熟悉電子測試設備, - 有電子電路線路分析與除錯能力。 2.熟PLC, Chroma8000, Labview, C程式編寫者優 ★特別要求: 1.未來須能配合產品轉移/常駐及輪派海外廠2年以上 2.工作地點可選擇中壢或南科

應徵人數|1-5 人


Since its founding in 2002, Sansay has been dedicated to the development, manufacturing, and sales of leading VoIP and telecommunication solutions. Today, the company is a world leader, with products distributed to hundreds of service providers in over 100 countries. As the recognized leader in the telecommunications and VoIP industry, Sansay was named to the Pulver 100 list of top privately held growth companies. We are looking for software I&T engineers. Job duties include interfacing to R&D and support engineers for VoIP system software integration and test planning, design and execution. Also requires teaming up with engineering resources to solve network, protocol and system level issues. Responsible for designing the software integration plan and test methodologies. Implement test data and voice test network along with auto test script and test data analysis.   美商Sansay公司有友善開放的工作環境,是成長快速的高科技公司,我們正在積極尋找軟體整合測試工程師。工作內容包括:軟體整合測試的規劃、設計、測試程式開發、文件撰寫及討論等。並投入問題系統之研究與偵錯,配合軟體工程團隊 (維運與開發),共同解決VoIP系統軟體的問題。好奇心+創意力及強烈的責任感,正是我們尋找的工作夥伴!歡迎對軟體有興趣者一同加入。 工作地點: 台北市信義區資訊工程學類,其他資訊科學學類,電算機應用學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Implement and maintain server BMC (baseboard management controller) firmware. 2. Develop new BMC features for server management. 3. Programming for Linux based drivers, service, network, web, and RESTful functions. 4. Develop open source Linux embedded on Yocto environment.電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Windows 軟體系統開發 2. 大數據應用系統開發 3. 專案系統問題分析及解決 4. 網路應用系統開發(network protocol) ※依學經歷、工作年資敘薪電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Windows device drivers development experience. 2. Experience in triaging issues related to HLK, Power and Performance, Stress n Stability. 3. Windows Debugging and Triage in Windows Device Drivers at the Platform level. 4. Debugging/Triage experience at one or more of the following domains - PCIE, USB, Connectivity, Power Management. 5. Experience on latest Windows 10&11 OS versions. 6. Ability to isolate the problem without source code access ie., using logs and other tools 7. Familiar with Linux open source development environment will be a plus.電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. GSM/WCDMA/LTE/5G Protocol 2. Operator & Customer requirements Implementation. 3. GCF/PTCRB/IoT/Lab Test/Field Test support 4. SIM/USIM/Data/IMS/Call/MM/RRC/RRM functions 5. Programing Language C/C++電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1、系統軟體開發 2、操作介面開發 3、客製化功能開發 4、機台設備軟體開發、負責軟體之分析、設計及程式撰寫 需熟悉: 1.C/C++、C# 2.WPF、MVVM 3.WCF資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


<Job description> 〝For this (senior) position, you will be responsible for system-level firmware testing of base station communication-related software, verifying functionalities across diverse system platforms, including Radio Conformance Test (RCT) and end-to-end (E2E) testing platforms. You will be in charge of testing the physical layer aspects, which includes understanding various technologies, designing test cases, implementing test automation, executing tests, and analyzing issues. Your role will require continuous thinking on how to contribute to ongoing quality improvement and assurance in the development of new products and technologies, ensuring they meet the quality standards expected by both internal development and external customer demands.〝 Practical experience in the following fields 1. Proficiency in 3GPP RCT testing standards. 2. Familiarity with the use of signal generators and signal analyzers. 3. Experience in developing automated test programs. 4. Ability to plan test strategies, projects, and environment setups. Nice-to-have skills:  Experience in E2E testing platform  Familiar with 5G system registration process and debugging  Familiar with O-RAN Conformance test

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Application】Please submit your resume via https://grnh.se/713f538c1 , resumes submitted via this link will be reviewed primarily. We are on a mission to spark connections and bring people together. Dcard is a social media platform devoted to creating a safe and free environment for ever-flowing ideas and extraordinary stories. Garnering the trust of the younger generation, our service attracts millions of active users and up to 20 million unique visitors per month. We have substantial influence and high penetration amongst the youth of Taiwan, but our ambitions do not stop here. As a strong and emerging international company, we are on a mission to spark connections and bring people together. We continue to make impactful influence in the social media, advertising and e-commerce fields. Continuing our success in the Taiwan market, we are now expanding to Hong Kong, Japan, and international markets. If you are ready to take the leap, join us in creating an extraordinary service! 【About our Backend Team】 As a Backend Developer at Dcard, you will collaborate closely with brilliant designers, product managers and developers to build social products that will help Dcard users connect hearts. We use various tools to continuously deliver new ideas and implementations into production, and most importantly, we‘re enthusiastic about using new and bold approaches to conquer challenges. 【Tech Stack】 ・Mainly use Go and Node.js. ・Applying microservices architecture with Kubernetes on GCP. ・Using various databases such as PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, ScyllaDB, Redis, etc., according to different requirements. ・Go service architecture is mainly based on Go Kit architecture, with in-house developed codegen tools and gRPC as the main communication framework. ・Using CircleCI for CI/CD, system testing and deployment more secure and stable. 【About Our Team】 ・20+ backend developers. ・Weekly meetings to discuss issues, tech stack & tools. ・Bi-weekly study group to learn new tech stack. ・Monthly engineering seminar. ・Regular system design review. 【What You‘ll Do】 ・Fully understand the features and framework of our product. ・Handle high traffic issues and provide a smooth and stable user experience, including infrastructure & database setup and optimization, cache mechanism, data migration, etc. ・Explore and introduce new tech stack(s) in line with our needs, and leave ample time for developers to conduct evaluations. ・Implement and optimize shared libraries and development tools. ・Develop readable and maintainable code in line with requirements. ・Participate in various learning discussions within the group, such as weekly meetings, study groups and design review meetings, etc. 【What We‘re Looking For】 ・3+ years of experience in backend development ・Familiar with Golang or Node.js ・Experience in Unit Testing and Integration testing ・Experience in using Git ・Experience using database(PostgreSQL/MySQL/MariaDB) and NoSQL database 【Bonus Points If You Have】 ・Experience in DevOps ・Experience in using GCP, AWS, Azure ・Familiar with MongoDB ・Familiar with Redis ・Familiar with Node.js ・Familiar with k8s ・Familiar with CI/CD pipeline ・Familiar with database performance tuning ・Willing to participate in an open-source community 【Compensation】 ・NTD 1,080,000 - 1,800,000 / year

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.、半導體廠自動化軟體開發測試及維護。 2.、客戶端軟體安裝測試及客戶服務。 3.、開發專案管理。 4.、具半導體廠設備自動化經驗尤佳。 能力需求 1.、熟悉Linux,Visual Basic,Visual Studio,Visual C# 等程式語言 2、熟悉 SECS / GEM / HSMS 半導體自動化通訊協定電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人

