1111找工作 APP



【跨國零售巨頭,加入酷澎!入職滿6個月最高可再領15K獎勵金 ~】 不論您想要彈性的工作安排,或是長期穩定的就業機會,酷澎都能滿足您的需求。 應徵流程: 1. 請透過1111投遞履歷應徵! 2. 表單填寫:https://coupa.ng/ceQTpr 3.<Line 應徵諮詢服務> https://lin.ee/p3rODR5 (透過行動條碼加入Coupnag FC招聘組 LINE好友) 於Line之聊天視窗留下姓名/電話與欲詢問的內容,我們會於服務時間內回覆您。 (服務時間: 週一至週五 11:00~20:00) 主要職責: · 從事物品、貨物、常溫食品等各類物品的搬運、打包與裝卸工作 · 貨物品質管理 · 進貨、出貨、退貨、庫存管理不同部門相關倉庫作業 基本條件: · 臨時人力班別彈性,長期兼職時間詳談 · 積極主動,注意細節 · 認真、積極、負責 · 工作容易適應 · 情緒管控與態度良好,且無主動報名後無故未到或其他不良的紀錄者。 上班時間: ★長期班表時間分為: · 日班 08:00~17:00,目前為排班制,休假日不一定在週末 · 夜班 17:00~02:00,目前為排班制,休假日不一定在週末 交通車資訊: https://forms.office.com/r/p8ECMPGJbb 【我們給予各位辛苦的正職人員額外的貼心福利】 1. 溫馨午晚餐折扣10元 2. 專屬於您的置物櫃 3. 免費機車停車位 4. 和白領上班族一樣有頭貼的識別證 5. Coupang 專屬制服 6. 升遷發展機會,能夠讓您在工作上時時刻刻都備有挑戰性 歡迎大家加入韓國最大電商,挑戰自己,突破未來! 我們給予各位辛苦的正職人員協助 假別處理,班表協助,身心靈諮詢服務 只要有任何問題,我們都會盡全力去幫助大家 。 <加入獎金> 滿1個月可領新台幣3,000元 滿3個月可領新台幣5,000元 滿6個月可再領新台幣7,000元 總共實際可以領到新台幣15,000元整! 建議把握機會加入我們的行列! 我們存在的意義,是要給顧客WOW的體驗。每當顧客說,「沒有Coupang我們怎麼過活?」我們就知道走對路了。Coupang創立的初衷是渴望把購物、飲食和生活變得無比簡單。秉持初心,我們正在從根本顛覆數十億元的電子商務產業。電子商務公司當中,我們的成長速度數一數二,並且具備優異名聲,成為韓國商務市場主要可靠的存在。 我們的使命是打造電子商務的未來,絕無虛假。我們挑戰解決問題的極限,打破傳統取捨的限制。現在就加入Coupang,在永不關機、緊密連接的高科技世界,創造驚人的體驗吧。

應徵人數|11-30 人


【工作條件】※有意願應徵者,將直接以信件通知面試時間,請務必留意。 本公司工作內容以網路行銷為主,需對網路行銷有高度熱忱者,瞭解網路趨勢及熟悉網路溝通語言,本身時常需有網路使用習慣(瞭解部落客、網紅、直播、社群、論壇、Mobile01、PTT、Dcard、各內容網站等),並具編輯及企劃能力(有影音相關能力或SEO經驗尤佳),無經驗可。 1.對網路行銷有高度熱忱 2.了解網路生態並熟悉網路溝通語言,對熱門議題、時事、趨勢觀察、KOL(部落客、Youtuber各網紅)有敏銳度 3.需有基本文字編輯能力 4.需與客戶進行結案、解決客戶問題,故需有基本溝通表達能力 5.因公司文化彈性自主,故較適有高自制力、高責任感之特質者 【工作內容】 1.針對客戶品牌與產品服務擬定行銷策略,負責行銷之推廣、內容編輯等 2.從事創意、撰寫、彙編行銷推廣內容,並藉由網路傳播媒體予以對外發表之工作 3.負責客戶行銷執行、過程溝通、統籌結案等 4.協助客戶如KOL合作等各行銷活動的溝通及執行 5.收集情報和資訊,統整資料 若您對網路行銷及網路使用經驗有興趣或各種想法,可於自傳中補充以提供我們參考,公司環境舒適、工作氣氛佳,歡迎加入我們的團隊。 【我知道這些肯定吸引你】 1.無上下班打卡制度(故較適合有自制力及責任感者) 2.見紅就休,且無補班制度(別人辛苦補班你照樣休假) 3.你喜歡聽甚麼音樂就給你當DJ 3.每週三下午茶歡樂時間 4.不定期聚餐、團康競賽活動等 5.春酒/尾牙、員工旅遊(目前已去過曼谷、韓國、峇厘島、東京、大阪、北海道、華欣)

應徵人數|11-30 人


1.負責電話接聽及轉接、答覆問題、櫃檯接待。 2.一般文書行政作業 3.主管交辦事項。

應徵人數|11-30 人


1.依功能需求規格書,設計軟體架構,及製作程式規格書 2.資料庫系統實體設計 3.規劃程式單元測試規格,及軟體單元測試 4.二年以上軟體設計相關工作經驗 5.可閱讀工作相關之英文技術文件 6.依據經歷與學歷敘薪 7.公司及主管交辦事項資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1-純內勤以電話聯繫店家 2-網頁製作相關業務推廣 3-保障底薪29470元起,加優渥獎金 4-無經驗可 ▶公司官網:https://huaxidigit.com 無需外出拜訪客戶 提供完整教育順練 周休二日/享年假/員工旅遊/尾牙 福利多 薪獎優 保障底薪 年薪百萬在眼前

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***應徵時請附上作品集、文案、自傳、證照等加分文件*** 1. 需求分析及規劃資料萃取、資料清理 2. 數據分析、資訊視覺化、說明分析結果、提出建議及後續成效評估 3. 蒐集競業資訊、報表整理 ※工作待遇依個人經歷及專長等條件參考核定,如相關經歷豐富可議更優渥薪資,歡迎能力優秀的您應徵面談數學統計學門,資訊科學學門,電算機學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


We are on a mission to spark connections and bring people together. Dcard is a social media platform devoted to creating a safe and free environment for ever-flowing ideas and extraordinary stories. Garnering the trust of the younger generation, our service attracts millions of active users and up to 20 million unique visitors per month. We have substantial influence and high penetration amongst the youth of Taiwan, but our ambitions do not stop here. As a strong and emerging international company, we are on a mission to spark connections and bring people together. We continue to make impactful influence in the social media, advertising and e-commerce fields. Continuing our success in the Taiwan market, we are now expanding to Hong Kong, Japan, and the APAC market. As a Machine Learning Backend Engineer at Dcard, you will collaborate closely with product managers and developers to build products that matter and create tools that accelerate growth. Join our team of developers to build the social network of the next generation. We code in a fresh monolithic repository and ship code every few hours, and most importantly, we‘re never afraid of using new and bold approaches to conquer challenges. If you are ready to take the leap, join us in creating an experience that connects people all around the world! 【Why should you join Dcard?】 Dcard‘s products have expanded from the card-pairing feature to community, e-commerce, and other services targeting university students and young people. We are building a rapidly growing and continuously expanding organization with a growth mindset. We are reaching out to the world, creating more opportunities and development in different fields, and we are not satisfied with the current boundaries. We need you to provide value to our users in more aspects of life! 【About the Dcard Engineering Team】 As a member of the Dcard Engineering Team, you will not only focus on feature development but also optimize the developer experience and architecture, and evaluate the adoption of new technologies. At Dcard, you will face many interesting challenges, working on high-traffic products, constantly adjusting and improving the existing architecture to provide smooth services to millions of users. We are - * Data Driven - Any analysis and decision-making within the team revolve around important metrics, and product development goals are based on OKRs to measure their value, ensuring that everyone is on the same track and moving towards the same goal. We value data-driven thinking over relying on intuition. * Fast-Paced - Working with a talented team, you will experience significant growth in both technical and collaborative abilities. The team operates at a fast pace, and we expect the product to move forward quickly. Consequently, we face daily challenges such as setting up an ad system to handle high traffic or ensuring real-time and fast data updates. * Process Optimization - The team pays great attention to the smoothness of processes and continuously thinks about how to collaborate more efficiently. We roll up our sleeves and directly change things that bother us, optimizing the development and life experiences as a whole. * Continuous Growth - In addition to regular study sessions, we learn about the projects undertaken by team members in different domains through Developer Sessions within the team. We also invite external members to share successful case studies or development processes from other teams. 【You will be involved in the team to...】 * Develop and optimize foundational infrastructure for recommendation systems, such as databases, APIs, streaming services, and CDC-related services. * Establish system monitoring mechanisms to improve service stability. * Advance MLOps practices to enhance the development experience of machine learning algorithms. * Collaborate with Data Engineers to develop and optimize Data Infrastructure.

應徵人數|1-5 人


-產品內外盒、logo設計 -電商平台維護管理(視覺設計、編輯美化、商品上架) -拍攝商品圖與美編後製 -具備文案撰寫能力 -設計製作平面文宣、海報和DM (含公司周邊:名片、印刷品..等) -主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Please Apply Here】https://grnh.se/3224231c1us Dcard is the biggest anonymous community in Taiwan. With millions of active users and 22 million unique visitors per month, Dcard provides a free and secure environment for our users to share their thoughts, stories, and life experience and make the world a better place through the exchange of ideas. As we are currently expanding our business in international markets, we are looking for a Content Marketing Intern who is passionate and talented to join us, and build the next big thing for the generation together. As a Content Marketing Intern, you will be a member of our New Market Team and drive our business forward, as you‘ll help us to catch the eyes of our target audience with appealing digital content and reinforce the user discussion in our community. Let’s build a community to help university students in Malaysia expand their social circle! 【About Our New Market Team】 There are thousands of people who share and read stories from different members on Dcard every day, so the ideas you develop and implement will immediately reach a great number of users. You will collaborate with several functional teams such as Advertising, Product, Design, and Operations to identify opportunities, create strategies and execute global expansion plans. As a member of the New Market Team, you will focus on a variety of areas and aspects related to the emerging markets to provide users with the best user experience. 【What You’ll Do】 * Design / execute campaigns in response to current trends and prompt more diverse discussions on the site. * Routine community operations, including forums management and users questions handling, etc. * Collect information on user behavior, marketing strategy, content marketing cases, and market information for Malaysia market optimization. * Contribute and execute brilliant marketing ideas, including plan/ execute content marketing campaigns, collect a list of potential partners / KOLs for promotions, etc. * Other miscellaneous tasks involving new markets. 【Qualifications】 * Language * Business level Malay * Business level English * Business level Mandarin * Passionate and active in social media * Understanding of social media behaviors of users in Malaysia * Able to work for at least 24 hours per week 【Bonus Qualifications】 * Graphic/multimedia design and editing skills * Video shooting and editing skills * Previous experience in the digital marketing field * Previous experience working for a fast-paced tech startup * Studying or have studied in a Malaysian university * You are a content creator or you have experience posting on Dcard 【Location】 * Work at Malaysia remotely or work at Dcard Taiwan Headquarter 【Salary】 * If based in Malaysia, monthly salary of 240 - 400 USD depending on the working hours per week * If based in Taiwan, hourly salary of 205 NTD 【Notice:】 * If we think there is an opportunity for collaboration we will contact you as soon as possible! * Unsuitable candidates may not receive further notice. At Dcard, every member is equal, and we value and celebrate differences. We strive to provide a diverse and inclusive environment, giving respect to every member. We believe that equality and diversity can bring infinite possibilities for innovation. Dcard maintains a non-discriminatory employment environment, giving equal opportunity to all candidates.

應徵人數|1-5 人


★★我們歡迎您★★ 電子商務部主要負責各大電商平台的經營 無經驗可,只要你有心、積極想學習,歡迎你加入團隊 但我們必須事先向你說明清楚,公司一向追求進步與負責。在公司持續擴大的過程中,會不斷的經歷進步與變革,這絕對會是一項具有挑戰性的工作。 我們的願景是成為能夠帶領臺灣稱霸全球電商領域的公司,我們相信未來能夠以電商平台的角度讓全世界向臺灣的網站下單;以供應商的角度將商品發向全世界;以倉儲物流的角度成為世界的中轉站! 如果你願意你將可以在這份工作中獲得 ❀瞭解電商平台的經營與管理的運作細節 ❀與一群對自己有要求的老闆、主管和員工一起成長 ❀與優秀的夥伴一起工作,近距離學習高手的思考高度與做事細節 ❀精彩的履歷內容 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ 【工作內容】​ 1. 依據訂單及庫存量負責商品採購。 2. 處理採購訂單延遲、遺失、請款等採購問題。 3. 建立、更新、彙整供應商資料,替公司選擇最佳供應商 4. 整理、核對、進貨帳單 5. 完成主管交辦事項 【職位注重】 1. 需有耐心、細心、良好的態度,並有願意高度學習者 2. 重視團隊精神,能獨立作業並有效掌握工作優先順序 【加分項目】 1. 熟悉電腦操作、Office系列以及文書技術 無經驗者可,歡迎企業管理系、採購背景,以及對電商有熱忱者歡迎加入我們!一般商業學類,其他商業及管理學類

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【投遞方式】 請至 https://grnh.se/5ff972f11us 應徵,我們僅以該處的履歷為主。 【公司介紹】 Dcard 是在年輕族群有極高滲透率與影響力的社群平台。我們致力於打造一個讓每個人都可以放心分享自己故事的地方,讓平凡人分享不平凡故事的新世代社群服務。我們的用戶來自世界各地,除了既有社群服務與版圖,我們也正全力擴張發展新型業務及跨國市場。為了讓團隊能全力發展目標及戰略,我們期待資深會計專員 / 主辦會計的加入,協助 Dcard 建立更流暢的帳務處理機制,並且負責海外市場的帳務流程,使每位夥伴可以全心往目標邁進。 【為什麼你該加入 Dcard】 Dcard 產品從抽卡延伸至論壇、電商等、服務對象從大學生到所有年輕人。我們正在以成長型思維打造一個快速成長、持續擴展影響力的組織。團隊聚焦長期使命願景與戰略,一同專注目標並持續突破。我們面向世界,在不同領域創造更多的發展與機會,也不滿足於現有版圖。我們需要你的加入幫助 Dcard 在更多領域提供價值給使用者! 【簡單介紹 Finance & Admin 團隊】 為了讓 Dcard 團隊運作得更順利,Finance & Admin 團隊將負責創造出最棒的 Dcard 體驗,密切和社群、產品開發、廣告、電商、海外團隊等不同角色合作,支持團隊無後顧之憂向前衝刺!我們向 Dcard 團隊夥伴提供財務和行政的服務,除了進行費用支出審核和日常帳務處理之外,也幫助團隊優化帳務流程、提出財務建議,並在團隊需要協助及支援時,成為夥伴們的最強力的後盾。因此,我們正在尋找有耐心、非常會溝通和熟悉財會作業的你,加入我們這個熱愛挑戰的團隊,推動 Dcard 成為世界級的網路公司。 【你將在團隊參與⋯】 - 規劃及執行例行性會計帳務、完成總帳作業、稅務處理 - 編製及分析財務報表,並提供營運建議 - 年度預算編製及管理 - 協助處理海外市場的帳務作業 - 規劃並推動集團會計流程與相關表單、系統的優化 - 規劃並配合每年會計師查帳作業 - 執行主管交辦事項 【我們期待看到一個優秀的 資深會計專員 / 主辦會計 具備以下能力】 - 5 年以上工作經驗(包括在 100 人以上公司擔任 2 年以上資深或主辦會計職務,或者在中型以上聯合會計師事務所擔任 3 年以上審計相關職位) - 會計學或財稅金融相關領域科系畢業 - 具備中等的英文能力(含聽說讀寫) - 協助或經手過海外市場帳務的經驗 - 具備規劃時程並完成報表編製的經驗 - 具備建制或優化財務會計相關流程或系統的經驗 - 具跨部門溝通能力 - 具獨立作業能力 - 認真負責、態度積極 【如果你擁有以下能力,那就更棒了!】 - -具備中等日文能力(JLPT N3 以上) - 具業界總帳會計經驗 - 具備年度預算編製經驗 - 熟悉 ERP 系統 - 具財務專案(例如:併購案)經驗尤佳 【為什麼要加入我們?】 - 充滿熱情的跨國團隊,用成長型思維打造快速成長的組織。 - 打造社群、電商、廣告、跨國市場等挑戰性產品,參與各類新想法、新產品甚至是新市場的誕生! - 擁有高頻率的溝通文化,夥伴頻繁地討論合作並給予回饋。 - 隨時取得書籍、課程講座、國內外 Conference 等任何資源,持續學習就是 Dcard 團隊的核心精神。 - 彈性的工作氛圍,不論你是工程師、營運、設計等任何角色,你將擁有彈性工時安排的空間。 - 重視每個相聚的時刻 ,不論是線上或線下,舉辦節慶派對各式分享會,讓大家在團隊生活得更開心。 【薪資待遇】 - 面議 【注意事項】 - 如果團隊覺得有機會合作,一起讓 Dcard 往更高的目標邁進,我們會儘速聯絡你! - 若不符合的面試者,將不另行通知。會計學類,財務金融學類

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1.依使用者之資訊服務的需求,製作功能需求規格書 2.資料庫系統邏輯設計 3.規劃軟體系統測試規格,及軟體系統測試 4.提供電腦使用者之系統操作教育訓練 5.三年以上電腦系統分析相關工作經驗 6.可閱讀工作相關之英文技術文件 7.依據經歷與學歷敘薪 8.公司及主管交辦事項資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


本職務是助理角色來協助專案客戶使用本公司系統,我們期望新夥伴能抱持變通的心態來面對工作中的細節及挑戰,如果您很細心、擅長溝通、喜歡團隊合作、願意學習新知並具備管控時程能力,即使沒有相關或豐富經驗但具備上述特質者,也歡迎您投遞履歷! 【工作內容與基本條件】 1. 熟悉了解本公司系統功能與操作方式。 2. 整理與收集客戶交付資料。 3. 協助將客戶交付資訊設定至系統。。 4. 協助客戶整理、提交相關服務申辦文件。 5. 具良好的溝通能力、EQ高,抗壓性強且有責任感;具備團隊精神,態度積極、工作細心、用心,邏輯良好且思路清晰,願意學習新事物。 6. 協助客戶服務與客訴例行處理並提供良好的服務品質與態度。 7. 需配合進度進行適度加班。 8. 專案內相關行政作業及其他主管交辦事項。 【其他條件】 1. 擅長使用Word、Excel、PowerPoint ⋯等文書處理工具。 2. 履歷請附上自傳。 3. 如有相關工作經驗者請附上作品集。

應徵人數|1-5 人


What You Will Do - Identify and develop new business opportunities with existing clients by understanding their specific needs and providing tailored solutions. - Build and maintain strong relationships with key clients by regularly communicating with them, listening to their concerns, and providing support. - Create and execute account strategies that increase revenue and improve market share. - Collaborate with internal teams such as marketing, product, and operations to ensure client satisfaction and success. - Analyze sales data, market trends, and competitor activities to identify opportunities and make data-driven decisions. - Forecast revenue and provide accurate reporting on account activity and progress. - Collaborate with senior management to optimize account strategies and identify areas for improvement. Qualifications: - Bachelor‘s degree in marketing, business, or related field. - Minimum of 3 years of experience in key account management within the retail or e-commerce industry. -FMCG Buyer experience will be a big plus. - Proven track record of success developing and implementing account strategies that drive revenue growth. - Excellent communication, negotiation, and relationship-building skills. - Ability to analyze sales data and market trends to make data-driven decisions. - Experience working collaboratively with internal teams such as product, marketing, and operations. - Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple priorities. - Strong time management and organizational skills. - Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite. Recruitment Process - Application Review - Phone Interview - Onsite (or Virtual Onsite) Interview – Offer - The exact nature of the recruitment process may vary according to the specific job and may be changed due to scheduling or other circumstances. - Interview schedules and the results will be informed to the applicant via the e-mail address submitted at the application stage. Things to Consider - This job posting may be closed prior to the stated end date for application if all openings are filled. - Coupang has the right to rescind an offer of employment if a candidate is found to have submitted false information as part of the application process. - Coupang does not discriminate against disabled applicants or those with veteran status. We are proud to offer equal opportunities for all applicants.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 規劃執行:規劃網紅合作切角與掌控專案排程與邀約執行 2. 請款整理:網紅執行請款帳務整理 3 維繫關係:品牌與創作者之間的橋樑 4. 資料搜集:專案相關資料整理搜集與分析數據 a. 知識面:對於數位行銷的kown how 有一定的基礎,並了解熟悉各平台間的網紅與創作者,對於經紀事務有高度興趣者 b. 思維面:具備邏輯力、溝通力以及數字敏銳度、細心者尤佳 c. 社會面:對於社會現象,流行話題與商品的敏感度,喜歡關注社群上的大小訊息 d. 工具面:熟用 Excel、PPT、word ***新手們不用擔心,會有小哥哥和小姐姐們帶著你漸漸成長

應徵人數|1-5 人


【注意事項】:請至 https://grnh.se/a2f932661 投遞履歷,我們會以這邊收到的履歷為主。 Dcard 是在年輕族群有極高滲透率與影響力的社群平台。我們致力於打造一個讓每個人都可以放心分享自己故事的地方,讓平凡人分享不平凡故事的新世代社群服務。我們的用戶來自世界各地,除了既有社群服務與版圖,我們也正全力擴張發展新型業務及跨國市場。 面對快速變化的社群生態,我們期待更多優秀的人才加入 Dcard。為了達成這個目標,我們需要 People Business Partner 加入我們,洞察組織和團隊的需求、提出以人為本的解決方案,創造持續成長、充滿熱情的工作環境,並且和我們一同推動 Dcard 成為世界級的網路公司。 快加入這個熱愛挑戰的團隊,一起打造被千萬人喜愛與使用的產品吧! 【為什麼你該加入 Dcard?】 Dcard 產品從抽卡延伸至論壇、電商等、服務對象從大學生到所有年輕人。我們正在以成長型思維打造一個快速成長、持續擴展影響力的組織。團隊聚焦長期使命願景與戰略,一同專注目標並持續突破。我們面向世界,在不同領域創造更多的發展與機會,也不滿足於現有版圖。我們需要你的加入幫助 Dcard 在更多領域提供價值給使用者! 【簡單介紹 People 團隊】 我們的願景是「成為全世界創新人才最想加入的公司」。透過組建強大的團隊、推動 Dcard 的核心文化,我們致力於打造一個持續成長、充滿熱情的工作環境。同時,我們也主動發掘組織和團隊的需求,設計人才招募、學習發展、績效管理、組織工作流程⋯⋯等機制,持續優化夥伴的工作體驗,支持每一位夥伴在 Dcard 發揮最大的潛能,並推動 Dcard 成為世界級的網路公司。 【你將在團隊參與⋯】 * 組建強大的團隊,並在最短時間內找到最適合的人才。 * 探索團隊真正的需求,切實協助整個團隊及各個夥伴的成長,協助夥伴發揮最大的潛能。 * 將 Dcard 的 Core Values 深植到團隊工作生活的方方面面中,打造一個充滿熱忱的工作氛圍。 * 持續探索當下最適合 Dcard 團隊的運作方式,創造一個持續成長的工作環境。 * 主動探索任何能夠協助團隊工作更順利的任務,並創造實際影響力。 【我們期待看到一個優秀的 People Business Partner 具備以下能力】 * 具 2 年以上人資工作經驗。 * 和我們一樣重視企業文化,並且相信人是企業最重要的部分。 * 具備解決問題的能力,能將觀察到的問題拆解、洞察出問題背後的原因脈絡,並解決根本問題。 * 能夠了解所負責部門的運作方式、商業邏輯、競爭對手及產業動態,並於協助團隊進行人資相關決策。 * 針對組織策略提出的變革能夠充分理解,且協助推動組織的變革管理。 * 擁有很棒的人際溝通技巧,懂得如何與公司中的不同角色協調、合作。 * 與我們一樣認同 Dcard Talent Operations 團隊的 Mission, Vision, Core Values (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v5rBHNcZTI0b8CrIOMHBDTkZMN00AEPp/view?usp=sharing) 【如果你擁有以下能力,那就更棒了!】 * 曾有在新創公司的工作經驗。 * 英文聽說讀寫能力佳。 【為什麼要加入我們?】 * 充滿熱情的跨國團隊,用成長型思維打造快速成長的組織。 * 打造社群、電商、廣告、跨國市場等挑戰性產品,參與各類新想法、新產品甚至是新市場的誕生! * 擁有高頻率的溝通文化,夥伴頻繁地討論合作並給予回饋。 * 隨時取得書籍、課程講座、國內外 Conference 等任何資源,持續學習就是 Dcard 團隊的核心精神。 * 彈性的工作氛圍,不論你是工程師、營運、設計等任何角色,你將擁有彈性工時安排的空間。 * 重視每個相聚的時刻 ,不論是線上或線下,舉辦節慶派對各式分享會,讓大家在團隊生活得更開心。

應徵人數|1-5 人


We exist to wow our customers. We know we’re doing the right thing when we hear our customers say, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Born out of an obsession to make shopping, eating, and living easier than ever, we’re collectively disrupting the multi-billion-dollar e-commerce industry from the ground up. We are one of the fastest-growing e-commerce companies that established an unparalleled reputation for being a dominant and reliable force in South Korean commerce. We are proud to have the best of both worlds — a startup culture with the resources of a large global public company. This fuels us to continue our growth and launch new services at the speed we have been since our inception. We are all entrepreneurial surrounded by opportunities to drive new initiatives and innovations. At our core, we are bold and ambitious people that like to get our hands dirty and make a hands-on impact. At Coupang, you will see yourself, your colleagues, your team, and the company grow every day. Our mission to build the future of commerce is real. We push the boundaries of what’s possible to solve problems and break traditional tradeoffs. Join Coupang now to create an epic experience in this always-on, high-tech, and hyper-connected world. Key Responsibilities: · Source and identify vendors, finish all documentation, put a planning and KPI management structure to drive performance. · Sourcing and merchandising products of non-impulse categories, focus on FMCG products. · Pricing and supplier negotiation. · Supplier and assortment management. · Developing an effective and accurate system for monitoring purchase orders . Delivering a weekly purchase order report to supervisors that indicates the invoice number for all closed orders . Working within the management team to ensure that all deliveries satisfy the assigned orders and report any back ordered or missing products . Effectively communicating with the management team to ensure all orders are accurate. Basic qualifications: · 7+ years of related experience · Retail,FMCG background are preferred with proven ability to drive change · Experiences in working with cross-functional, cross market shareholders · Ability to prioritize work and to find a way in a complex, fast-paced environment · Proven analytical skills and ability to influence people both internally and externally · English ability is nice to have.

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作內容】 1. Unity3D 移動平台遊戲開發,熟悉HTTP、Socket等連線方式 2. 與其他團隊協作完成專案需要之功能 2. 處理各端點回報問題 3. 協助 Review 其他成員的工作或程式碼並給予回饋 【特質需求】 1. 具有良好的溝通、邏輯推理與情緒管理能力 2. 能在適度導引下獨立完成工作 3. 喜愛團隊合作,並願意分享知識,一同成長 4. 具備良好的時間管理能力資訊工程學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


❀薪資結構  ✦試用期為30500 (底薪28000+績效獎金2500)  ✦試用期過後調整為32000(底薪28000+績效獎金4000) ☑後續表現優異視情況調整獎金至5000-7000 ☑所有調薪會由主管依照能力(包裝件數、學習狀況、態度...等)調薪或增加獎金 ❀加班費  ✦依政府規定  延長工時在1-2小時以內,會給予x1.33倍  延長工時在3-4小時以內,會給予x1.66倍 ☑雖然是電商但不強迫加班,全依個人意願 ❀休假制度  ✦見紅休––>六日一定休假  ✦國定假日休假––>政府說放我們一定都放  ✦補班日不用上班 ❀工作基本內容  ✦商品進貨清點、檢查、上架  ✦ 撿貨、包貨  ✦工作地點環境清潔與維持  ✦ 協助主管處理各項事務、完成主管交辦事項 ❀加分內容  ✦細心負責  ✦主動積極  ✦ 刻苦耐勞  ✦能獨力自主作業  ✦溝通能力佳者 ❀公司福利  ♡享有勞健保  ♡三節獎金、禮品+春節開工紅包  ♡每月可添購想要的飲料、點心  ♡每月兩次免費下午茶  ♡定時聚餐(燒肉同話、新馬辣...等)、尾牙(不用表演)  ♡員工購物成本價  ♡透明調薪管道  ♡年終會依實際考核發放 ☑職工福利金由公司全額提撥,員工不用負擔 公司網站:https://jayterweb.weebly.com/ 【交通位置】​ 1.火車:「汐科站」下車3分鐘 2.公車:「遠東世界中心」下車步行3分鐘 3.大樓樓下有室內機車、汽車停車位

應徵人數|31-50 人



Customer Service Operation Manager We exist to wow our customers. We know we’re doing the right thing when we hear our customers say, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Born out of an obsession to make shopping, eating, and living easier than ever, we’re collectively disrupting the multi-billion-dollar e-commerce industry from the ground up. We are one of the fastest-growing e-commerce companies that established an unparalleled reputation for being a dominant and reliable force in South Korean commerce. We are proud to have the best of both worlds — a startup culture with the resources of a large global public company. This fuels us to continue our growth and launch new services at the speed we have been since our inception. We are all entrepreneurial surrounded by opportunities to drive new initiatives and innovations. At our core, we are bold and ambitious people that like to get our hands dirty and make a hands-on impact. At Coupang, you will see yourself, your colleagues, your team, and the company grow every day. Our mission to build the future of commerce is real. We push the boundaries of what’s possible to solve problems and break traditional tradeoffs. Join Coupang now to create an epic experience in this always-on, high-tech, and hyper-connected world. As part of our exciting expansion plan, we are hiring for a Customer Service Operation Manager . Responsibilities: - Responsible for managing the CS Escalation team and ensuring the efficient operation of our customer service team. - Manage the CS Escalation team, including support to other departments, issue and incident management, complaint handling, and resolution of complex customer inquiries. - Develop and maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure consistency and efficiency in our customer service operations. - Monitor and analyze CS operational metrics and other relevant KPIs, to identify areas for improvement and drive changes to improve customer satisfaction. - Provide guidance to communicate with customers to resolve issues, handle complaints, and provide exceptional customer service. Requirements: - Fluent in Korean (At least TOPIK level 6) and Mandarin, working level proficiency in English - Minimum of 5 years of experience in customer service operations management. - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to use data to drive decisions and optimize processes. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to effectively communicate with both customers and internal stakeholders. - Ability to work independently and manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. - Highly motivated and experienced customer service operations professional with a passion for driving customer satisfaction. Recruitment Process -Application Review - Phone Interview - Onsite (or Virtual Onsite) Interview – Offer -The exact nature of the recruitment process may vary according to the specific job and may be changed due to scheduling or other circumstances. - Interview schedules and the results will be informed to the applicant via the e-mail address submitted at the application stage. Things to Consider -This job posting may be closed prior to the stated end date for application if all openings are filled. -Coupang has the right to rescind an offer of employment if a candidate is found to have submitted false information as part of the application process. -Coupang does not discriminate against disabled applicants or those with veteran status. We are proud to offer equal opportunities for all applicants.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 處理應收/應付/其他一般會計帳務。 2. 收發、記錄及彙整交易產生之原始憑證,並登錄至會計資料庫。 3. 熟悉EXCEL、WORD等電腦作業系統、雲端/網路使用。 4. 文件資料輸入處理、建檔管理。 5. 文件收發存留&檔案管理。 6. 辦理銀行現金存款、提款、匯款、轉帳。 7. 處理廠商貨款或費用等應付款項帳務。 8. 處理客戶應收款項帳務。 9. 整理及開立各項會計憑證、發票、單據、帳務。 10. 稅務相關事宜。 11. 管理零用金異動及撥補作業。 12. 會計事務所窗口及關聯事務處理。 13. 銀行業務。 14. 人員考勤、勞健保維護及執行。 15. 行政助理事務執行。 16. 主管交辦事項或部門業務支援。 電腦技能著重在 office,以及網路平台使用熟悉度及理解力。 有耐心、細心,不怕執行數字及繁複工作。 需有實際經驗。 詳細可面談討論,誠懇招募找尋穩定成長的公司及工作的夥伴。輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.既有客戶名單維持關係,穩定叫貨. 2.客戶拜訪 有300多間客戶名單,商品都是店家的必需品(像衛生紙一樣的必要) 提出商品和店家介紹商品, 讓店家改叫產品. 沒底薪 (1件抽成$1000~1500_ 最少都可領月領15萬 無上限) 有底新 (基本工資+抽成1件抽$500 _月領約4至5萬) ★每間店大概都是叫3~5件輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.金融應用系統測試及問題回報,有完整導師制新人訓練,非常歡迎各科系【有興趣從事資訊業者】或【應屆畢業生】加入我們的行列 2.系統測試及客戶問題追蹤記錄 3.管理程式碼版本交付及協助撰寫交付文件 4.行政事務處理 5.公司及主管交辦事項 使用工具 1.DB:Oracle(PL/SQL)、SQL Server 2.測試:各類網頁瀏覽器 特別說明: 1.本部門主要服務對象為國內五大行庫及指標性銀行,我們透過【同仁指導培訓制度】確保新進同仁可以快速熟悉部門內開發環境及元件。 2.不定期提供內部訓練或外部相關課程,歡迎有意願多方學習者加入。 3.部門內風氣自由民主,只要找到足夠的說服理由,任何良善建議皆可提出 4.團隊成員彼此協助、互相支援,資深同仁也會傳授相關經驗及協助解決工作困難 5.面試將簡易測試SQL語法認知

應徵人數|1-5 人
